Pressemeldung des Massachusetts Superior Court.
The Massachusetts Superior Court?s Business Litigation Session (the BLS) will implement a Pilot Project on a voluntary basis beginning January 4, 2010 for all new cases in the BLS and all cases that have not previously had an initial Rule 16 case management conference. The BLS Pilot Project was developed as a result of (i) a joint effort of the BLS judges and the BLS Advisory Committee1 to address the increasing burden and cost of civil pretrial discovery, particularly electronic discovery, and (ii) release of the Final Report on the Joint Project of the American College of Trial Lawyers Task Force on Discovery and the Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System dated March 11, 2009.
Für mehr Information zum Thema "Reduzierung der wachsenden Last aus Discovery Verfahren? (Betroffene können ein Lied davon singen ? enorme Kosten- und Zeitlast):
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