U.S.Indemnity Agreement

18.07.2010 1068 Mal gelesen Autor: Prof. Wolf Michael Nietzer, LL.M., MBA

Man hört bei der Aufnahme von Vertriebsbeziehungen in die USA oftmals vom dortigen zukünftigen Partner in den Verhandlungen das Stichwort "Indemnification Clause"; anbei ein Dokument, welches eine solche Entschädigungs- und Freistellungsklausel betreff Ansprüchen Dritter gegen den Vertriebspartner zu Lasten des deutschen Herstellers regelt.  Wie aber so vieles im Leben ist auch dies verhandelbar, letztlich muss aber immer zusätzlich eine Abstimmung mit der Versicherung des Herstellers stattfinden.


The undersigned agree to indemnify and save harmless XXX
("Indemnitees") and their successors and assigns, from any claim, action,
liability, loss, damage or suit, arising from the use, installation, secondary
sales of equipment furnished by YYY

In the event of any asserted claim, the Indemnitees shall provide the
undersigned reasonably timely written notice of same, and thereafter the
undersigned shall at its own expense defend, protect and save harmless
Indemnitees against said claim or any loss or liability thereunder.

In the further event the undersigned shall fail to so defend and/or indemnify
and save harmless, then in such instance the Indemnitees shall have full
rights to defend, pay or settle said claim on their behalf without notice to
the undersigned and with full rights to recourse against the undersigned for
all fees, costs, expenses and payments made or agreed to be paid to discharge
said claim.

Upon default, the undersigned further agree to pay all reasonable attorney's
fees necessary to enforce this agreement.

This agreement shall be unlimited as to amount or duration.

This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties,
their successors, assigns and personal representatives.

Signed this _____ day of__________. 20____.

______________________________ ______________________________
Witness                                                         First Party
______________________________ ______________________________
Witness                                                         Second Party

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